Connecting with Code

2020 Video Archive

Week 1 Tynker Camp videos

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build the Monster Feast project together
  • Completely optional! Build the Score Keeper project together (learning more about variables)

Here are the videos for the day.

Main video - Day 1 Monster Feast

Day 1 Optional *extra* coding exercise (if you want more): Score Keeper

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

Monster Feast

Use your mouse to guide the monster around, so he can eat all the cupcakes.

Score Keeper

This app is a way to keep score in some game that you like. For example Rock, Scissors, Paper. Obviously for your app you will use different names and keys. Press d to score a point for Dad (watch the green boxes when you press d). Press b to score a point for Bowen. 3 points an you win! Note to play again refresh the page or use the Play/Stop controls on the game window.

We hope you enjoyed your first day of camp. Can't wait to see you again tomorrow! If you want to code more before then, go do a few levels on Tynker for something like Dragon Spells!

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build the Treasure Island project together
  • Encourage you to make a Space Adventure project on your own!

Here is the video for the day.

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

Treasure Island

Use the mouse to guide the ship to the treasure.

Space Adventure

Use the mouse to guide the ship to the goal.

We hope you enjoyed day 2 of camp! Can't wait to see you again tomorrow! Go do a level on Tynker!

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build our project called aMAZEing game together
  • Encourage you to make fun additions to your project

Here is the video for the day.

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

aMAZEing game

Use the arrow keys to get to the goal without hitting the enemy!

aMAZEing game with additional features (multiple levels)

Use the arrow keys to get to the goal without hitting the enemy!

We hope you enjoyed day 3 of camp! Can't wait to see you again tomorrow!

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build the Race Car project together
  • Encourage you to make a fun extra features to your Race Car game!

Here is the video for the day.

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

Race Car

Use the left and right arrow keys to get around the track.

Race Car - Extra Feature Ideas

Use the left and right arrow keys to get around the track for car 1. "a" and "d" for car 2. Also in my game you can use up and down arrow (or "e" and "d") to make perfect 90 degree turns. perfect 90 degree turns.

We hope you enjoyed day 4 of camp! Can't wait to see you again tomorrow!

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build the Dragon Crossing project together
  • Completely optional! Build the US Flag project together (learning more about functions)

Here is the videos for the day.

Main video - Day 5 Dragon Crossing

Day 5 Optional *extra* coding exercise (if you want more): US Flag

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

Dragon Crossing

Optional Extra Exercise - US Flag

No interactions this time, just view the drawing process.

Optional Extra Exercise - Younger Child's Flag

A perfectly acceptable flag for younger campers. They drew something and make rows of stars with functions.

We hope you enjoyed our camp! We'd love to get feedback from you about our camp. Here is a Google Form where you can provide us with info if you have time. We'd appreciate it!

Week 2 Tinkercad Camp

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Work the Tinkercad 3D Tutorials together
  • Build the Rocket project together
  • Build the House project together (which btw came from this blog post)

Here is the video for the day.

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today. Note: These are interactive 3D models that you can rotate and zoom to view (fun but pointless).


Model House

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Completing the Tinkercad Circuit tutorials
  • Building a good and bad LED circuit
  • Building a stoplight (Traffic Light) using LEDs and a pushbutton

Here is the video for the day.

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.


Start the simulation then turn on and off the good and bad circuits. Notice the bad one (on the right) has a icon over the LED that you can hover your mouse over.

My Stoplight

Click Start Simulation above, then click on the black pushbutton.

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Learn about text based coding for: Functions, variables, if statements, and loops
  • As an EXTRA *optional* exercise I made you 2 videos today. You can work the second video after you finish the first one! (see details below)

Here are the videos for the day.

Main video - Text Based programming for Functions, Variables, if statements, and loops

Day 3 Optional *extra* circuits video (if you want more): LCD and Servos

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

Text Based programming for Functions, Variables, if statements, and loops

Click Start Simulation above, then rotate the knobs and try the switch.

Optional Extra Exercise - LCD and Servos

Click Start Simulation above, then rotate the top knob.

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build the Circuit for Motors project together on Tinkercad

Here is the video for the day.

And here is an example of a finished project that we are going to learn to build together today.

Circuits for Motors

Today we'll work on these tasks:

  • Build the Rocket project together, this time using Code Blocks
  • Build the your Trophy for finishing this course!

Here is the video for the day.

And here are examples of the finished projects that we are going to learn to build together today.

