Connecting with Code
Rose-Hulman Summer Programming Camp

The 2024 CWC camp face-to-face on-campus registration will open in March.
Connecting with Code is both a free online camp (using videos) and a paid face-to-face camp ($150 for the 5 days). You should register for the version that is right for you. The material is the same and the dates are the same (June 3rd - June 7th in 2024).
There are also scholarships available if you would like to apply to join the on campus version, but have financial need.
Option #1: Freely Available Online Videos
Option #2: Face-to-Face On Campus Camp
The 2024 Face-to-face camp is now full.You can still join the online version for free though.
We look forward to coding with you this summer. Register below for the camp that is right for you!
Again there are also scholarships available if you would like to join the
face-to-face on campus version, but have financial need.
Newer to Coding / Younger Camp
Introduction to Scratch Coding
June 3rd - June 7th (2024) 9am to 12:00pmThe Scratch Face-to-face camp is now full. You can still join the online version for free though.
Advanced / Experienced / Older Camp
Introduction to Python Coding
June 3rd - June 7th (2024) 1pm to 4pmThe Python Face-to-face camp is now full. You can still join the online version for free though.
If you have multiple children, or want to join multiple camps, just complete the appropriate form multiple times.
For the free online camp, information will be emailed to you and available via the 2024 camp page (once it starts). If you want to see more about what our camp is like you can still visit the 2023 camp page, 2022 camp page, 2021 camp page, or 2020 camp page.
The material for these camps was developing as a partnership between:

It's more fun to code as a team! We practice this idea when we make material too!
Mission statement
The mission of the Connecting with Code camp is centerred around three main pillars:
Mindset, Mentorship, and Fun!
We are fully confident that young people will experience opportunities to code in their lives. We want to make
sure that when that day comes they say to themselves "I know coding. This is something I might want to do. I
can totally do this." To get to that point we have this camp with knowledgable Rose-Hulman students mentors
available to help make sure their first experience is a positive (instead of scary) start to
programming. Addtionally, we try to get young people excited about code and help get them
connected with online programming resources that they can continue to use beyond the week of the camp.
There is a whole big world of programming resources already online.
Our program would like to also extend a special invitation to women and other underrepresented minorities
to start
learning about code. As mentioned by the National Girls Collaborative
Project, August 2016, 74% of girls express an interest in
STEM in middle school, but by high school only 0.4% of girls plan to major in Computer Science in college. We
would love to see more
women and more underrepresented minorities in our Computer Science / Software Engineering classes at
Rose-Hulman one day! We welcome everyone, of
course, but would love to see change happen in our culture to more evenly balance the gender and
diversity gap in computer science. Come be part of the change! Learn more online about how you can provide CS
opportunities for students, for example visit: Code with Google